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Zomby Woof Lyrics

Album/Collection: Overnite Sensation
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Three hunderd years ago
Thought I might get some sleep
Stretched myself out onna antique bed
An' my spirit did a midnight creep

You know I'll never sleep no more

To me it seem that is just ain't wise

Didja ever wake up in the mornin'
With a ZOMBY WOOF behind your eyes

I'm the creature all the ladies been
Talkin' about

They all seek for shelter when I come chargin' out
Here I'm is, the ZOMBY WOOF

Tellin' you all the Zomby troof
Here I'm is...

Reety-awrighty, he da ZOMBY WOOF
Reety-awrighty, he da ZOMBY WOOF

The said aw-reety
An' they was aw-righty
An' I was a Zomby for you, little lady...

I got a great big pointed fang
Which is my Zomby Toof
My right foot is bigger than my other one is
Like a reg'lar Zomby Hoof
If I raid your dormitorium
Don't try to remain aloof...

I might snatch you up screamin' through the window all nekkid
An' do it to you on the roof, don't mess with the

I am about as evil as a Boogie Man can be!

Tellin' you all the Zomby Troof
Here I'm is, the ZOMBY WOOF

Tellin' you all the Zomby Troof
Here I'm is, the ZOMBY WOOF

Zomby Woof Lyrics

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