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In My Life Lyrics

Album/Collection: Les Miserables (Act 1a)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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     [Cosette stands in her garden on Rue Plumet.]

     How strange, this feeling that my life's begun at last
     This change, can people really fall in love so fast?
     What's the matter with you, Cosette?
     Have you been too much on your own?
     So many things unclear
     So many things unknown.

     In my life
     There are so many questions and answers
     That somehow seem wrong
     In my life
     There are times when I catch in the silence
     The sigh of a faraway song
     And it sings
     Of a world that I long to see
     Out of reach
     Just a whisper away
     Waiting for me!

     Does he know I'm alive?
     Do I know if he's real?
     Does he see what I saw?
     Does he feel what I feel?

     In my life
     I'm no longer alone
     Now the love in my life
     Is so near
     Find me now, find me here!

     Dear Cosette,
     You're such a lonely child
     How pensive, how sad you seem to me
     Believe me, were it within my power
     I'd fill each passing hour
     How quiet it must be, I can see
     With only me for company.

     There's so little I know
     That I'm longing to know
     Of the child that I was
     In a time long ago
     There's so little you say
     Of the life you have known
     Why you keep to yourself
     Why we're always alone
     So dark, so dark and deep
     The secrets that you keep!
     In my life
     I have all that I want
     You are loving and gentle and good.
     But Papa, dear Papa,
     In your eyes I am just like a chile
     Who is lost in a wood

     No more words
     No more words, it's a time that is dead
     There are words
     That are better unheard, better unsaid.

     In my life
     I'm no longer a child and I yearn
     For the truth that you know
     Of the years... years ago!

     You will learn
     Truth is given by God
     To us all
     In our time
     In our turn

     [Valjean leaves the garden; Marius and Eponine are outside.]

     In my life
     She has burst like the music of angels
     The light of the sun
     And my life seems to stop
     As if something is over
     And something has scarcely begun.
     You're the friend who has brought me here
     Thanks to you I am one with the Gods
     And Heaven is near!
     And I soar through a world that is new that is free...

Eponine [to herself]
     Every word that he says is a dagger in me!
     In my life
     There's been no one like him anywhere
     Anywhere, where he is...
     If he asked... I'd be his

Marius & Eponine
     In my life
     There is someone who touches my life

     Waiting near

     Waiting here

In My Life Lyrics

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